kuala lumpur

one of the most colourful cities in the world, shaped by its multi-racial population.
from its humble beginnings as a tin mining state, KL has become one of the coolest and most desirable cities in South East Asia. named one of the 31 places to visit in 2010 by the New York Times, its has built a reputation for itself as a haven for die hard foodies, fashion fanatics and those in search of a unique cultural experiance.

nowhere else in the wworld does a fusion of cultures live so hamoniously together, each influencing the character of the city, creating a completely unique for its visitors.

Saturday 10 November 2012

night life after kl (best night out)

The city centre of Kuala Lumpur, along with some choice urban spots, lights up with excitement at night as crowds of youngsters, revellers and yuppies frequent clubs, bars and pubs on the streets.

The hive of activity usually begins from 10 pm onwards though some nightspots open earlier. Karaoke is another popular activity, usually among Chinese who just love to bellow or croon oldies and contemporary pop music from Hong Kong, regardless of the breaking windowsNightclubs come and go in Kuala Lumpur’s vivacious but variable after-dark scene. Some seem to withstand the ebb and flow of time, yet there are always new ventures springing up all over the place.

bukit bintang from monorail bukit bintang

The nightlife scene in Bukit Bintang is a colourful and glamorous affair; the city’s latest fashionable night scene takes place along Changkat Bukit Bintang. This boulevard is crammed with pubs that transform into lively drinking holes and restaurants that turn into hip nightclubs after dark.Old standbys like Frangipani, Havana Bar & Grill and Envie remain jam-packed no matter what day of the week and scheduling your time to experience the most of Bukit Bintang’s hot and fascinatingly diverse hub of activity can be difficult. It goes without saying that no one would blame you for staying in the Golden Triangle to enjoy its after-dark offerings

.Jalan Bukit Bintang offers endless choices when it comes to after-dark entertainment. Many restaurants here are equipped with a bar that comes into full swing at night, and many hotels lining the street also have their own trendy watering holes and nightclubs. Karaoke lounges can be found in abundance here, many of which also offer private rooms, entertaining patrons well into the night no matter which day of the week it is

All the rage in Kuala Lumpur now, Changkat Bukit Bintang is one of the city’s most happening boulevards. Regarded as the ‘it’ party venue in KL’s lively yet fluid clubbing scene, Changkat is crammed with restaurants that morph into nightclubs with cocktails bars and pubs that transform into rowdy drinking joints, with deejays spinning music. Live performances from various local acts are also held in a number of nightspots. Amongst the bevy of watering holes, there are a few establishments that stand out – Comedy Thursdays every first Thursday of the month at Havana Bar & Grill are a riot, stopover at Frangipani’s on Friday for unofficial rainbow nights and don’t miss out on Envie Club Lounge’s Saturday R & B night.

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